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TOFEL Coaching

TOEFL® is a widely respected English proficiency test.Accepted as proof of English language proficiency by over 130 countries.Largely accepted by universities, colleges and professional agencies in the United State of America (USA). Administered online via internet – TOEFL iBT®

Why TOEFL Test Preparation At Brij International?

TOFEL Test Format

SectionsParts and Number of QuestionsDurationTotal Score
Reading36 Questions; 3 or 4 passagesTask 60 Minutes
Task 2: 30 Min
Listening34 Questions; Lectures, discussions and conversationsTask 60 Minutes
SpeakingTotal 6 tasks- 2 Independent and 4 Integrated20 Minutes
WritingTotal 2 tasks-1 Independent & 1 Integrated Task- an essay based on reading and listening and supports an opinion in writing50 MinutesTotal Score:120 points